Good afternoon. I hope you are having a good day so far. We had a new Christmas store open up in town last week. It is a small town and the store is owned by a younger couple who also own the furniture store. They have done so much for our town by fixing up the old buildings and giving them new life. It is so neat to see that in a little town. Anyway, I had to go to the post office which is right next door to the Christmas shop. Well, I had to go in right? It would be rude to just walk right by!! Wow. It was so neat inside. It is your typical Christmas store with all varieties of decor, but it was so pretty. I walked around quite a while just taking it all in. They had so many garlands and berry sprigs and wreaths. I had trouble deciding just what to get. Finally, I decided on this little tree and these berry sprigs. The close up of the berries was fuzzy so I didn't put it on. There is a really pretty berry wreath/candle ring that I may need to back up after. I was trying to decide just where the right spot would be. Oh, it's a good thing that store isn't a prim one or there would be trouble. So now as I sit here typing, I am listening to my New England Christmas CD and wondering if Sunday is too early to take down the fall stuff?? I hate to skip over Thanksgiving, but I just love decorating for Christmas. I know you are all the same. I feel just like a kid!!

I had to take this picture yesterday. I stepped outside and the color just caught my eye. Isn't it beautiful?? And the leaves on the table with the pumpkins? I feel like God just put things that way so I would take a minute to really enjoy all He has given us.

Well, I'm off to finish cleaning our bedroom and switching the closet over to cold weather things. Oh, how I wish I could just snap my fingers and have that job done. Have a great rest of the day.
Thanks for stopping by.