Good afternoon. I have been a little under the weather with either a cold or allergies and haven't accomplished too much the last couple of days. I did bring down my box of fall things to put a few more goodies out. It always seems less daunting to do a room at a time as I get a chance. My DH always laughs at me while I decorate. Something about me wandering aimlessly through the house looking for just the right spot seems funny to him. I know you can all relate--put an item somewhere, step back and look at it, and either leave it or pick it up and start all over.
This is a shelf that a friend's DH made for me a year or so ago. I had been going to put it in our bedroom, but decided I liked it here in the family room better. I bought the chair at our churches' garage sale last year. I just love it.
This is a corner pie safe we bought at an auction after we were married. It was on the junk wagon complete with rotted boards, gnaw marks, etc. He again thought I was losing it when I kept bidding. I think it went for quite a bit-probably more than we should have paid, but it is such a neat piece. It has screens in the front that I have put a osnaburg curtain behind to hide the books we store in it.
This is the display I have on top of it. I made the rug last year and the candle on the little cupboard is made of beeswax. I have them for sale on my selling blog.

I rearranged my yellow ware bowls on top of our other pie safe. The kitty is one I just completed also. She is from a pattern by Tennessee Ridge Primitives. I have her for sale on my selling blog also. It is Farm Field Primitive Goods. Please stop by if you get a chance. I moved the pieces around on the inside as well. The butter molds on the top shelf belongs to my DH's grandma.

Well, that's all for now. I need to try to get something done. I have another kitty to finish and a pinkeep just about done. I hope to get it listed in the next couple of days. I will leave you with a picture my DS had me take before the OSU/USC game Saturday. He has a little helmet and he put it on our cat Husky. Doesn't he just look thrilled!!

Take care. Have a great day.