Hello!! I hope you are all having a good day. It is beautiful here..the perfect summer day...sunny and low 80's. Now if we could only bottle this to use all year!!I know some of you do have this most of the year, but here in Ohio it sometimes is not too nice.
I stopped at the GW and TS today on my way to get groceries. There were many garage sales too, but the kids were along and although they tell me I can stop, it's not one of their favorite things to do. I did stop at one though and they did get out. It's one I went to last year and they sell antiques. The prices are not garage sale prices, but not antique store either. I think they are rather reasonable. Anyway, they like to stop at that one. I found this neat old rolling pin right away. I like the ones that are all one piece. Then I found a really neat wooden bowl. My DS asked me if I already had one like it. I had to chuckle as I have many wooden bowls. I took that as a sign that I had enough for at least now and by-passed it. It was neat though--a Munising. Oh, well. I bought the fabric under it at a local store. I think it will look nice on pm boxes.

Then one of my DD's found this unusual piece. We were all trying to figure out just what it was when the gal came up to tell us. A dealer had just been there and told her that it was a cranberry scoop. Beats me. I wouldn't think they would use wooden scoops for that but apparently they do. She said she has had it for many years and decided to sell it. She used it for magazines. I think it would look neat with greens in it at Christmas. Pardon the cat's head in the picture. Lulu was checking it out. It needs a good scrubbing.

These other items were from the GW and TS. Just more wooden pieces to add to my pile. The clock was only $1.50.I think I may repaint it once I figure out where to put it. I really like the little tin strainer. I'm a sucker for anything old that is made of tin.

We went to a Detroit Tigers game yesterday. We live about 2 hours south. My DS is a Tiger's fan while the rest are mostly undecided or Indian's fans.My DD brought a friend who is a die-hard Indians fan. She even wore an Indians shirt. It rained at the beginning so it started late. The sun came out and was behind clouds part of the time. It did get warm, but it really was a nice day. They lost. DS was bummed.

I had to take a picture of JoJo. This is her telling me she is rather unhappy with me for giving her the monthly flea/tick medicine. She always sulks around after I put it on her. It does have a strong alcohol smell to it so I think that is what bothers her. It's still better than fleas in the house.

Well, I'm off to work on a fall pattern. I am helping Susie at
Yankee Lane Primitives make up a few prototypes for her patterns. The first one is going to be a set of bats. Check back in a few days and I hope to have them done. I have never made anything just following a pattern without a picture before. Should be fun.
I'm nearing my 50th post and have some goodies ready for a give away. Check back. Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend.