I worked on a couple of things this weekend. My big project was stripping paint off an old cupboard I bought way last fall. Yes, Ann, I am finally getting around to it!!! I was just going to sand it and repaint, but I couldn't get it smooth enough so I had to strip off all 4 layers of paint. Once I get it finished, I will post pictures. I need to keep you in suspense. Plus if I know you are waiting on pictures, I should get it done faster. Hopefully.
The next project was my laundry/utility room. Since we bought a new washer and dryer a month ago, the outlets and water lines really show up. These styles don't have the part that comes up in the back with the controls on that hides things behind them. I have been trying to figure out what to do to hide all of that since there is no room for a shelf. This is the before.
A couple of weeks ago, Lisa posted about using flour sack cloths in her decorating. That made me start to think of how I could use them. Finally, I came up with the idea of putting a little clothes line in behind them. I made little ticking stockings to add to it as well. While working on the stockings, my daughter Emily asked what else I was going to put on it. I told her I wasn't sure and she said that a star garland would look cute. So upstairs I ran and found one in my stash. I put that on as well and just love the look. I guess she is a prim decorater in-training!! Here is how it turned out.
I made up the display on the dryer using old clothespins in a jar, soap in an enamelware bowl, and the light that I bought just last week at a garage sale. I guess it was just meant to be that I was to work in this room.
Here are a couple of the wall groupings that I have out there as well. I also have a shelf but am in the process of trying to change it around a little. There is an outlet right below it that I am trying to hide. I'll show you when I finish that.
I had to take the picture at an angle because the mirror kept reflecing the flash. I had a whole different display here including a printer's drawer on the far end. I was getting tired of the dust that it collected so I changed it to a sampler I had made. That didn't go with everything else so I changed the whole wall to this. I had bought the mirror a couple of months ago for here but the rest of the things are either redo's or items from some other place in the house. It went together very easily and I like how it turned out.
The last wall grouping I have to show you features a sign that I made a few years ago. It is from Create and Decorate. I still have the issue with my patterns if you want to know exactly which one it was. The washboard is from an auction last year. I like the little size.
Well, I have spent enough time playing this morning. I need to go get some actual work done. I hope you have enjoyed my laundry room tour. Thanks for stopping by. I really appreciate it. Have a wonderful day.