Today is DH and my anniversary. It has been 19 years!!! Wow, doesn't seem possible, but it is. I wanted to show you what he sent. This is after I told him not to do anything. He is so sweet.
He used to send a rose for each year. Somewhere after a dozen, it got a little pricey!!!
One of our farm landlords had an auction Saturday. There weren't alot of antiques, but a few. Of course, the things I was bidding on went higher than other things. I am just cursed with good taste. I did get a wooden bowl for $10. I didn't get a picture of it. It sold with a really neat butter paddle. The man next to me bought it. He knew I was bidding and offered me the bowl. He only wanted the paddle. Worked out great for both of us!!
Here are the other things we bought. I love this crock!!! It has a couple of tiny cracks in the back, but that is fine with me.
We also bought this jug. It is unusual because of how the glaze is messed up on the front. I liked it because of that.
I went to some garage sales Friday. A town close by was having their festival and lots of garage sales. That is so nice to not have to drive all over looking for them!! I found this crock for $3 at one. Perfect for the time of year!! I have it as part of a display on our kitchen table.
I picked up this old wheelbarrow also for $20. I had some flowers where it is, but I tore them out. They did nothing but flop over and look bad. Even with one of those grow through things on it. I would like to spray some water sealer on it to protect it a bit more.
Lastly, I made a few little flag fillers and stars. I had intentions of making more and listing them, but once again, time has gotten the better of me. Someday I will be more on top of things.
Well, that is all for today. I have several things with various stages of
paint and stain on them that I hope to finish soon. I will post them soon--I hope. Have a great evening and thanks for stopping by.