Good afternoon, everyone. I hope you had a relaxing and restful weekend. In other words, I hope you were able to dig out one of those "really want to work on" projects and made good progress.
I was able to finish my Be Mine candle mat. It is from Chestnut Junction--I just love that site!!
It is a very quick project. I finished it up while waiting for my daughter at dance. I backed it with red ticking and tea and cinnamon dyed it.
The little tin heart mold came from a trip to a huge antique mall last week. The mold was in a beautiful wooden bowl in the very first booth I came to. I thought is would look cute on the mat-even though it is a candle mat! It is on a little black cabinet in my bathroom. There were so many beautiful pieces at the mall!! I wish I didn't have such good taste. It seemed as though everything I loved came with a big price tag. Oh, well. Maybe someday!!
I have been working on some ebay listings today. Even though I said I wasn't going to list much because it doesn't seem like things are moving very well. But after going up to my attic to get something, I saw the pile and thought I really need to get it weeded out. So hopefully I will catch someone's eye with something I have. I can't sell it if I don't list it!!
Another project that is calling my name is finishing framed prints for my daughters' rooms. They are Uppercase Living sayings. The walls in their rooms are too rough to adhere to so I am framing them. I started last week and completely ruined the first one and had to reorder. It adhered to the glass completely before I was able to place it correctly. I was able to get the other one to work but now am waiting for the duckcloth backing I painted for it to dry. The reordered saying just showed up and I really should get to it. It is one of those projects that is really bugging me and will be nice to finish. I guess I will head out and see if I can get it started. I'll let you know how it turns out and post some finished pics.
Have a great evening!! Thanks for stopping by.