Hello. I think warmer weather, for the most part, has finally found us. I have finished planting my gardens and flower beds. At least I say I'm done until I find more plants to fill all the spots that just aren't quite full. I am totally a perennial plant addict. All of the flower beds around the house are filled with them. I enjoy watching them grow and change through the seasons. It is more work that having shrubs and bushes around, but to me, it is worth the extra effort!!
I took a walk around the yard this morning before it starts to get too warm and the rain comes. I snapped a few pictures to show how things are growing. Here is my buddy, Benny. He is one of two "kittens" I bottle fed and babied most of last fall and winter. He is a sweetie and likes to follow me around and water things!

This is the new garden we added earlier this spring. The pod corn and red stalker corn is really taking off. I was disappointed with some of the pod corn. I had some seed from last year and planted that in addition to the new seed from this year. As hubby always tells me, old seed doesn't usually grow. And in this case, he was right. So instead of 8 rows, I only have six. Darn!! I'm hoping everything is going to green up now that it's warmer. Plants look a little anemic!!
This is a new plant this spring. It's an "Elfin Pink" Beardtongue. I love the shade of pink.
One of my all time favorites....yarrow.
Next to our little smokehouse I've added some white enamelware with a touch of yellow. There will be Black Eyed Susans blooming soon as well.
Finally, along the back sidewalk are my coral bells. This spring I added the iron bed to give a little height to the area. I have seen them woven full of twigs, and that was my intention. Until I get the ambition to do that, it will just be plain. I made the gazing ball last summer out of a blue thrift store bowling ball and lots and lots of pennies. I love the subtle sparkle it adds!
I've also been working on some of my summer blackened beeswax items. These are hand poured from pure beeswax that I have dyed black and scented heavily will cinnamon oil and rubbed with spices. I have many seasonal items available in my Etsy shop.
We have a few graduation parties to attend and then some shopping in the city. Maybe I'll spy some more plants along the way!! I think it's my spring time addiction! Thank you for stopping by. Enjoy the rest of your day.