Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!!

Stopping by to wish everyone a Happy Halloween!!  Hope the ghosts and goblins don't get you!!

New update at Early Work Mercantile will be up later tonight.  I have lots of new Santas!!   Stop by and check out all the wonderful listings!!


Saturday, October 8, 2011

Fall Decorating & Homecoming

Good evening!!  Finally getting back on after numerous computer issues.  Our first laptop decided it was time for the mother board to die.  So while we were waiting on a new one to arrive, our second one decided to get a virus!!  Things are back up and running!!   I was going to post a picture of the crock I told you about.  I know I took a pic and put it on the computer, but it is nowhere to be found!! Next time.  I just wanted to share some of my fall displays.  I still have a tote sitting in the room and after this weekend, it's going to be put away whether it's empty or not.  I just pick a thing or two out when I have time and put it somewhere.  It's beginning to bug me though!!

My twig tree with my blackened beeswax skull angels and a bowl of mini beeswax pumpkins.

I just found this prim 3 legged stool at the antique store yesterday.  It told me it had to go home with me.  So here it is!!  Love it!

Grr...could not get this picture to flip. Sorry!!  Oh, hey.  There is the crock!!  Forgot is was in this shot. Does anyone know what this would have been used for?

Bought this garland from 'Prarie Heirlooms (

Last night was our Homecoming.  This is the first year we have had it during football season.  It is usually during basketball. Our oldest, Alex, was chosen as Senior Attendant.  It was a beautiful night and she had a blast.  Tonight is the dance so more pics will follow.

I couldn't play favorites so here is a picture of Alex and Emily.  They both are in the marching band. Alex just had to sit and watch last night though.  So proud of both our girls!!

That's all for tonight.  The girls are out eating supper with friends and will be back in a bit to get ready for the dance. 

Take care.  Blessings......